Gruntek Conducts General Pest Control Training for Burmese Professional Pest Control Company

The key to running a successful and sustainable pest control company lies in its people. Sure, it helps if the company embraces innovative products; but for a start, pest management doesn't always have to be unique or ground breaking. What matters is that professional pest control technicians are trained to apply the products effectively and efficiently.
Gruntek invited senior management executives of a customer from Myanmar to spend several days in Singapore and learn about the Basics of Effective Pest Management. It is a training programme specially designed to supplement knowledge of different pesky critters found in Myanmar, fortify the understanding of pest management and most importantly, help our guests understand the challenges of the industry across South East Asia.
Our guests were introduced to the latest developments in our company as well as the industry. Their training programme included comprehensive yet condensed sharing sessions on key insect pests like mosquitoes, houseflies, cockroaches, etc. We further enhanced their learning experience with videos, site visits and hands-on training on our insecticidal products and equipment.
Here are some of the highlights:
1) Innovating to Lead - Asset acquisition and new product development within Gruntek.
2) Live like a Pest - Understanding mosquitoes, houseflies, cockroaches and termites.
3) Techniques, techniques... - Fundamental application methodologies to pest management.
4) Safe Chemistry - Toxicity and personal protective equipment.
5) Exploring Possibilities, Enhancing Lives - New markets where pest management services can be offered.
Not forgetting Singapore's vibrancy and our international recognition through food, our guests were treated to amazing sights and scrumptious meals worthy of nothing less than a thumbs up.
In a nutshell, such exposure has sparked fresh ideas and deepened international business ties. It helps us deliver value to our customer by allowing them to understand the source which their products are acquired from, the level of technical know-how (both the supplier and pest control company), the importance of training (both internal and external) and the need to collaborate with organisations that have strong development strategies.